Friday, February 14, 2014

Authentic Tiffany Lamp Styles and Shapes


Examples of Shapes and Pattern Styles Tiffany Studios Used


Tiffany Studios had many various shade shapes they used commonly. This article will show you examples of the more common shape categories he used. Keep in mind there were some shades that were variations on these shapes, but these are the major categories and examples of shades made and which were most commonly sold.

Geometric Glass Leaded Shades

Authentic Tiffany Studios lamp shades most commonly seen will measure from 15 to 24 inches in diameter. There were larger and smaller sizes made - for ceiling dome shades, the lotus/pagoda table lamp shade and a few small table lamps, but these are most common. The can be hanging or table or floor lamp shades. 

Tiffany's geometric shades are the group of leaded glass shades with the simplest designs, and this would include standard shapes such as squares, triangles, rectangles and ovals, used on the cone, panel glass, and globe-shaped shades. Unlike his blown (also often called "damascene") shades, Tiffany's geometric shades were made from pieces of poured glass which were cut in segments and edged with copper foil, then soldered together. A patina bronze finish or "rinse" was applied to the lead or solder lines to blend in well. Tiffany's geometric group can be split into two types: shades made from a limited number of large glass pieces, such as the famous and much sought after "turtleback tiles," and shades made from a large number of small glass pieces.
                       Turtle Back Tile and textured glass hanging shade

                                       "Curtain Border" shade on a floor lamp

                                 Green geometric shade with "Greek Key" motif

Floral Design Leaded Shades

The floral group is a combination or blend of both geometric and floral shades. It includes globe-shaped shades of basic geometric design with added floral, vine, and leaf motifs. The floral group is divided into two categories which are the shades with scattered floral or leaf patterns all over on geometric backgrounds, and the geometric shades with borders, called "belts" of flowers and vines. The latter shades are called "belted" floral shades.

                                  "Clematis" floral cone shaped hanging shade

                                             "Red Poppy" Floral Table Lamp

                                                          "Daffodil" Floral Table lamp

Dragonfly-Cone Shaped Shades

                                 Gold "Dragonfly" Pattern "Cone" Shaped Shade

Irregular Lower Border Shades

These shades have a much more natural form, with their flowing, "serpentine" meandering rims. In this group of shades, you now can see a curved, irregular shaped lower border. Almost all of the shades used in the irregular border shade group are of the globe shape.

                                     Blue "Drophead Dragonfly" Lamp Shade

  Irregular Upper and Lower Border Shades

These were the most sophisticated and complex shaped shades done by Tiffany's craftsmen. The shades have both irregular upper and lower borders. In this group the typical straight edge of the top of the shade opening (aperture) is replaced by an openwork "crown" which is made to look like tree branches. The top "finials" have been also been eliminated, and light and heat are vented out through the top crown. A good example of one of the finest of these shades is the Tiffany "Wisteria" pattern lamp shade. It is one of the most sought after and valuable of all the designs Tiffany ever produced, and as with most of his floral shades, it comes in various color combinations, from beautifully and intricately cut and positioned pale pastels, to rich, deep colored hues.                            
        The lovely and much sought after "Wisteria"Shaded Table Lamp 


While there are more variations on these patterns, including some patterns where only a few were known to have been made, the above common shapes and design patterns are the most commonly found in authentic antique Tiffany Studios lamps.

More to come...


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